Condensed Huoxiang Zhengqi Wan (200/ 2000 Pills)
Condensed Huoxiang Zhengqi Wan (200/ 2000 Pills)
Condensed Huoxiang Zhengqi Wan (200/ 2000 Pills)
Condensed Huoxiang Zhengqi Wan (200/ 2000 Pills)

Condensed Huoxiang Zhengqi Wan (200/ 2000 Pills)

  • $8.00

Regulate qi and stomach

Available Options

200 Pills Out of Stock 

Actions: Dissipating dampness by dispelling pathogenic factors from exterior, regulating flow of qi and stomach.


Indications: For treating of flu due to summer-heat and dampness, headache, sensation of heaviness of body-limbs, constriction in chest, fever with chills, fullness and pain in the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea.


  1. A light diet is recommended.
  2. Not advisable to take invigorating Chinese medicine at the same time.



3 times daily, 8 pills each time, reduce dosage for children, serve with lukewarm water. 


200 Pills: $8

2000 Pills: $64

成份/ Ingredients: Every 8 pills contains extracts equivalent to raw herbs
广藿香 Herba Pogostemonis 454.5mg
紫苏叶 Folium Perillae 151.5mg
白芷 Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 151.5mg
白朮 Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 303mg
陈皮 Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 303mg
半夏 Rhizoma Pinelliae 303mg
厚朴 Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 303mg
茯苓 Poria 151.5mg
桔梗 Radix Platycodonis 303mg
甘草 Radix Glycyrrhizae 303mg
大腹皮 Pericapium Arecae 151.5mg
大枣 Fructus Jujubae 75.9mg
生姜 Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens 45.6mg


Tags: Mei Hua Brand, Condensed Huoxiang Zhengqi Wan

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